This Year We Have A Family Theme

Fulfill Your Potential

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our Adventure

The boys and I recently took some time and went up to visit grandma and spend some time at the ranch. We had a great time. The highlights were as follows: Watching Ice Age at the drive-in theater . The boys got to watch "real cowboys" go onto the range - Scotty was so excited to see them in the whole getup - the hat, chaps, spurs, boots . . . and he was really excited to see a cow up close and personal - not just in the field as you drive by. Working with the boys to cut down and stack some dead trees, then waking up in the morning in paradise - it was greener than I ever remember seeing it at this time of year, and it was peaceful. Marc came up on the weekend and we went to Yellowstone for the day. And we got some very good quality time with family members - Gramma Great, Cody, Teri, Victoria, Jody, Cara, Hannah, Kimball, Blake, and Frieda. The boys really love gramma and asked, "Can we stay here forever?" They still ask if we can go see gramma great now (yeah no problem just 3 1/2 hrs away). The real kicker is that we had such a fantastic memorable journey, but I lost my camera on Monday of the first week - and so have no pictures of any of the fantastic things that we got to do. It was found on the day that we left (makes me wonder what the purpose of that was).

After taking a short poll - we discovered that we pretty much all had the same favorite time. It was on the shore of Yellowstone Lake. We went to the Yellowstone Lake Lodge - went through the lobby and out the other side across the road and down the hill. There is a very small beach with black sand. It was perfect for our little family. Bradley was thrilled to be put down to grab and taste test all of the sand that he could. The boys and I took off our shoes and kicked around in the water. The boys picked up rocks and threw to their hearts content. Marc, watched with his eyes closed as he lay back on the warm sand. And I took a step out a little further and enjoyed the first cool and cloudy part of the day. I rubbed my feet and hands in the gritty sand and it felt like a wonderous massage. After all of my skin felt so soft - I stretched my hands out to the sky, put my head back, closed my eyes and just enjoyed the breeze as it blew against my face and hands - I took a couple of deep breaths and then to top off the moment of sweetness - the sun came out to shine on my smiling face - it was just as if just on me - I felt that Heavenly Father just shed one of his tender mercies upon me to remind me that he knows exactly where I am.

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