This Year We Have A Family Theme

Fulfill Your Potential

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ode to the 4th

This is a bit late - first I had computer issues and then I went on a trip - but better late than never. I did want to pay homage to the 4th of July. In my mind there is something truly magical about this holiday - though in reality it is one of the holidays that is the least "commercial" - I don't know if that is the right word to use - but there is no Santa for the kids to distract them from the true meaning, there is no Easter bunny to lead them down a path of candy and fun, there are no other diversions of made up characters that lead us away from the purpose of the holiday - yet there is (at least for me) a great deal more encompassed in the 4th of July than just a celebration of Independence for the country that we call home. I have always appreciated the holiday as a celebration even as a youth - the meaning of our freedom only became more apparent as I was blessed with the opportunities to have experiences abroad and to understand our freedoms through the lack of freedom that others in this world had/have. I admit that once home it is so easy to take these things for granted. So for me, the 4th is - in part - a yearly reminder of my true blessings - the opportunities and abilities that I have available to myself that we all check off as "human rights" - these things are not a given.

But in addition to the reason for the holiday - the 4th is the essence of summer. Now that I have children, it is even more fun. Everything is still green, the sun is shining bright, the excitement of adding water is always added to the mix. I love the glint of my toeheads in the sunlight, the bright smiles, the laughter in the shade of the tree while sitting on the grass, the leaves rustling and flowers swaying in the gentle breeze - then add to that the colors of red, white, and blue, sprinkle in some family and neighbors, splash in some adventurous activity and then finish it off with a bang of fireworks - you are then served with a fantastic ritual full of nastalgia, fun, gratitude, and excitement.

From year to year only the details really differ. For our family more "traditions" that hold are going down to our local veteran's house to watch his fireworks that he buys just for the neighborhood kids. There is the 4th of July Breakfast for our ward - this year I got to lead the primary in some patriotic songs (which resulted in Michael, and therefore Scotty, singing Yankee Doodle for the whole of the next month). This year we accompanied Marc's family on an excursion to the mountains for some playtime in the water and SNOW. Came home for a nap and then galloped off to the fireworks at the golf course where we sat so close that we had debris falling on us from the fireworks. There is just a sense of togetherness and good cheer, everyone you see on this day has a smile - everyone has a favorite part - maybe it is the watermelon, perhaps it is the barbeque, maybe it is just a day off, for me there is apprecitation for the frequent sight of the American flag and actually seeing people honor it. I am also thankful that in this world where everything seems to desensitize us to things that are simply wonderful, where we seem to laugh less, shudder at the appalling circumstances less, care about the moral issues less - that here is a day that a child "digging in" brings a genuine chuckle, that a surprise splash utters a real squeal of surprise, and that a bang of fire - great or small - still is accompanied by sounds of awe and wonder. So I hope that your 4th was as wonderful as ours, I hope that you took time to be thankful, and I hope that you can find a reason to smile in remembrance.

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